Project’s first policy paper summarizes the findings of large-scale research of media reporting and political agency related to China in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia from 2010 till mid-2017. It provides novel insight into the formation of Chinese influence in the three countries, relying on a unique dataset based on an analysis of more than 7,700 media outputs and a series of interviews with agenda setters and insiders. Besides that, the paper comes up with a set of recommendations for the above-mentioned countries, such as to define strategic industries, include media assets into the definition, and adopt screening mechanism for investment in key infrastructure.

Please reference as: Karásková, I., Matura, T., Turcsányi, R. & Šimalčík, M. (2018). Central Europe for Sale: The Politics of China’s Influence. AMO Policy Paper 2018 (3).

Download the paper here: AMO_central-europe-for-sale-the-politics-of-chinese-influence

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