The project aims at mapping Chinese political and economic influence in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Currently, the geopolitical importance of Central Europe reflects dominant security issues such as migration and reactions thereto, or the European Union’s relations to Russia. However, recently the region has become increasingly attractive to Chinese investors, often with direct links to the Chinese state.
Project phases and outcomes
The project runs from July 2017. The research team conducts a content analysis of Czech, Hungarian and Slovak media and a social network analysis of key agenda setters influencing the discourse on China (journalists, politicians and pro-China businessmen). ChinfluenCE also runs an advocacy campaign aimed at spreading knowledge on China’s influence including publication of the results of the research to members of state administration, journalists, businessmen, NGOs, academia and broader public through the project website, policy papers, dedicated articles and public as well as closed events.
In August 2018, ChinfluenCE was joined by a Polish partner, effectively covering China’s influence in all V4 countries.
Research team
Contributors (2017-2019)
Project partners
ChinfluenCE is an international project implemented by the Association for International Affairs (AMO) in cooperation with the Central European Institute of Asian Studies, the Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies and with generous support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).